On this page, I’ve shown a wide variety of logos that I have made for various purposes. Alongside some designs I’ve also included a photo or screenshot of the initial stages of the design, to show a bit of my design process.

To see more detail of my design process, click/tap the button below:

Logo Design Process (TNT)

Click or Tap any image to enlarge

Logo redesign sheet for a fictional interior design company,
Interiors by Ahrre

Click or tap this image to see early design iterations for the Ahrre logo

“25 Years” Anniversary logo and shirt design for The Med Restaurant in Boulder, CO

Logo design for “Tornado Takeover” campaign
done for FiveTran (2019)

Click or tap this image to see early design iterations for the FiveTran Tornado logo

Logo design and color variations (on white and black)
for a fictional company, Zarcaytir Industries

Full logo system for a fictional technology company
Electronic Navigation Systems
Click or Tap this logo to see the whole brand package

Click or tap this image to see early design iterations for the ENS logo

Logo design sheet, lockups, and color usage for the Electronic Navigation Systems logo

Full logo system for a fictional Restaurant
Saguaro Sunset
Click or Tap this logo to see the whole brand package

Logo design process for the full logo, colors, and typeface used in the Saguaro Sunset logo

Click or tap this image to see early design iterations for the Saguaro Sunset logo

Logo Sheet, showing the logo options for TNT Home Inspectors

Click the logos above to see the design process for the TNT brand

Logo Sheet, showing both valid and invalid use options for TNT Home Inspectors

Logo design for the fictional company, Helios Starways

Click the Logo image to see the rest of the Helios logo guide.

Variations on a “water-themed” logo design, including a tagline

Click or tap this image to see early design iterations for the water logo

Logo for a fictional transportation company
Oasis Transportation

Logo and plane wrap design for a fictional airline, Alair

Click or tap the image above to see early design iterations for the Alair logo

4 Logo design options of a shirt print, designed for a personal pet memorial event

To see more detail of my design process, click/tap the button below:

Logo Design Process (TNT)